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2024 Fall Season

Upcoming Games

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League News

Fall 24 Season.

This season two more teams will be added, moving the league from 8 to 10 teams. That will cause some changes to rosters, rules, and standings. Click below to see the new formats.

Rule Book, Playoff Breakdown, Divisional Breakdowns


Roster construction is underway. Players will be sent the team rosters on October 1st. A few spots are remaining for games, if you have not signed up yet do so now. Registration will close on 9/30 while spots remain. Register Here

Open Ice / Extra Clinics

When available our I league board will book ice at the rink for the I league to use. Throughout the year we will use those slots for extra clinics and open ice time. The cost for these options is $20 cash at the door. Ice times are listed below and will be updated accordingly.


Extra clinics are a time for players to take the ice with coaches in smaller groups for practices. Clinics require pre-registration, space is limited.


Open Hockey time is just that, open hockey. Players can come in and take the ice with each other and play pickup hockey with other I league players. No registration is required for Open Hockey.

Open Ice Times

Clinic Times

None listed at the time

None listed at the time

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